Our Best Days Are Ahead

I have recently listened to a very encouraging word from Dutch Sheets that he spoke to us at the 2018 U.S. National Conference in Spokane, WA USA that I wanted to bless you with today.
Begin to prepare your heart!
Though you may be tired…
You may be old in years
(Dutch inserts that he is 65 years old and adds, “But I’m going to get younger for the next decade.”)You may be 75 or 80, but He is not finished with you.
You are still here!You are still a part of the army.
I want you to be expecting and renewed
I believe that healing, a healing anointing that has been spoken of…is here!
He is going to give your heart more years, your veins and arteries and joints…..more years.Your eyes, your ears and your brain…more years.
He is going to rebuke the devourer for us.We are supernatural people, not just natural people.
We are filled with the Spirit, the supernatural, Sovereign Spirit of the Creator God….the God of the ages outside of timeAnd He is inside of us!
The Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead is quickening our mortal body
We are not afraid and we are not going to grow weary in the time of harvestWe are warriors!
We are warriors!
As I heard these words, I felt the Lord directing me to anoint myself, my eyes, my ears, my mouth and my mind…for a fresh anointing. For a newness of life, a freshness of the Spirit of God. I encourage you to anoint yourself, too, for the future. Aglow was birthed by the Spirit and we have continued in the Spirit these many years. He is not finished with this ministry. In fact, He has already made known to us that He intends to use us in this next, great outpouring.
Shake off the oldness!
Shake off the weariness!
Begin to walk with that warrior spirit He has put in us.
I have included the clip of Dutch speaking to us. As you listen, receive it for yourself, for your team, for your nation!
Our best days are not behind us, THEY ARE AHEAD OF US!