A Ministry Transition

A Ministry Transition

Graham Cooke once referred to me as the ‘keeper of the prophetic words’ of Aglow. Through the years, I have treasured each one and have endeavored to keep them before the Aglow family. Some might ask why I do this? I do this because each prophetic word must become as real and alive in our…

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Then and Now

Then and Now

Today someone brought in an Aglow magazine they uncovered as they were going through files. It was the 50th issue and it was published for the months of January/February in 1981. It caused me to take a trip down memory lane realizing the rich legacy of the ministry. Even in the year 1981, the names…

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God is Not Confused

Question Mark

As we have moved offices around at Headquarters, we have found many treasures as we have purged files and cleaned out cabinets. I found one particular article that I wrote in May 2007 that was published in The Jerusalem Post Christian Edition of particular interest. The opening sentence read, “If headlines screamed, ‘Over one billion…

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It is God We Want

I recently purchased a new copy of, My Utmost for His Highest by Oswald Chambers. This is a book I have read many times in past years. Then out of the blue, the Holy Spirit brought back the memory of this classic and drew me back to many treasured thoughts of the past. I will…

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Eternally Strengthened

Eternally Strengthened

Lately, it seems God has chosen to wake me in the night and speak to my heart.  His latest word to me was simply the word ‘strength’.  I had not been feeling physically weak, rather more relaxed and at peace.  Yet, the word felt very personal to me.  “As your days, so shall your strength be.” Deuteronomy. 33:25

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Set Your Mind

U.S. Flag

Because of the times that we live in, I am often asked what Aglow’s stance is in the midst of what looks like the redefining of society.  To know where we stand, you can read our Core Values. Our stance will always align with Biblical values.  Those values are fixed and cannot be redefined. Our…

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Jump In! The Water is Fine!

Jump In! The water is fine!

Beware of the thing of which you say – “Oh, that does not matter much.” The fact that it does not matter much to you may mean that it matters a very great deal to God.  Nothing is a light matter with a child of God.  Nothing in our lives is mere detail. God is in the…

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Our Best Days Are Ahead

Our Best Days Are Ahead

I have recently listened to a very encouraging word from Dutch Sheets that he spoke to us at the 2018 U.S. National Conference in Spokane, WA USA that I wanted to bless you with today. Begin to prepare your heart!Though you may be tired…You may be old in years(Dutch inserts that he is 65 years…

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Sanctify Us Lord

Sanctify Us Lord

At a recent Staff Meeting, we listened to one of Dutch Sheets videos.  As we listened, we felt drawn to a time of prayer. So we prayed, we worshiped, and we shared scripture together. The Presence of the Lord was so strong.  It was a holy time.   One of the scriptures we shared is…

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Our Solid Rock

Our Solid Rock

Just recently I received such an encouraging word from a leader in another nation who felt directed by the Lord to be in prayer for the United States of America on election day. This leader took a group of prayer warriors and went to their nation’s U.S. Embassy. They stood in front of the Embassy…

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