An Important Announcement



  1. Peggy Pearson on January 28, 2025 at 1:30 am

    So sad to hear Jane retiring but also so excited for you! I know Nancy will be exactly what Aglow needs at this time. God Bless you both!

  2. Mimi Ross on January 28, 2025 at 1:36 am

    wow its bitter sweet. praying a great transition. Sad to see jane Leave and happy to Nancy step in. God bless you both.
    lots of love,
    Mimi Ross
    President at the Goodyear Light House in AZ

    • Linda Pouncey on January 28, 2025 at 2:00 am

      God bless Aglow as this transition takes place and in the future until our LORD takes us up in the Rapture.
      Linda Pouncey Enterprise Al Aglow member

  3. Aggie Craycraft on January 28, 2025 at 1:36 am

    Thank you for serving Aglow for so many years.
    You have been very faithful.
    May you be blessed for your faithfulness!

  4. Traci Carey on January 28, 2025 at 1:42 am

    Thank you for letting us know!
    I particularly love the way the two of you were sharing your love for one another and the Aglow family!!! Unity is also how we know we are on the right track!
    Thank you for all that you do!!
    We love you both!!
    Blessings to you both!

  5. Tammy Hendrix on January 28, 2025 at 1:42 am

    Nancy will be amazing in her new capacity, as her present role has shown over and over again that she is up for the job! After all, she has an excellent example and mentor in you, Jane. Enjoy your retirement! You have been faithful to the call!

    Lavish Blessings, and Thank You (both),
    Tammy Hendrix, Alabama

  6. Lydia Ledezma on January 28, 2025 at 1:50 am

    Blessings to you two great ladies, May the Lord continue to be your focus in your new paths.

  7. Robin Harrison on January 28, 2025 at 1:56 am

    Thank you Jane for your faithful leadership and passing the baton on to another faithful one. We love you both and look forward to the future in Aglow Int.
    Much love, Robin Harrison Oregon State đŸˆ‚ïžđŸ™đŸ»đŸ’™

  8. Rebecca Goodman Georgia Aglow Team on January 28, 2025 at 2:02 am

    The time is now! Fresh Vision!

  9. Cyndi Bernhart on January 28, 2025 at 2:05 am

    Thank you both for being such “spiritual women of influence” in my walk as well as so many others. Jane, you are an Esther! That has carried God’s work to the nations. It has been a precious privilege to be apart of Aglow as a SPS of WV, go to Israel with Aglow twice and to sit under your teachings. Yes, it’s bitter sweet, we love you and will be praying for an anointed transition over the coming months. Nancy has been a such an inspiration as the Prayer DIrector of the SPCs. Thank you for all you both have done.

  10. Cheryl Douglass on January 28, 2025 at 2:15 am

    Thank you so much Jane for sharing your heart with us. I remember when Nancy stepped up to the stage at the Dallas Conference-the feeling that Nancy would soon be moving into a greater position. While I have not had the opportunity to meet you all personally, its a blessing to know that the Great Holy Spirit, wonderful person in our lives that He is, it moving us into the place where we can be used in the area He needs us best. I look forward to more years spending time leading our women along with the Household of Faith in Aglow International.

    Cheryl Douglass-President Aglow International Mt Vernon Lighthouse

  11. Joyce A. Harris on January 28, 2025 at 2:21 am

    Jane, I wish you all the very best in your retirement. You have inspired me so much through the years. The last Aglow convention I was in was In Orlando, Florida in1986. It was there I met Alyosha and Jody Ryabinov of Song of Israel. Alyosha performed his musical piano talents, which were so beautiful. I
    met Jody at a walk crossing while waiting for the light to turn. It was just a short meeting. When we returned to the Aglow hall, she introduced me to her
    husband. From that time on, I was led to contribute to their ministry. What a blessing they are to so many who have been blessed with their warm hospitality
    and wonderful ministry. They have led so many, Jews and non-Jews, to Christ! Hearing you speak, Jane, was so impressive. You had a way of bringing
    a sense of family to everyone there. I admired your courage and warmth of making everyone feel we were all one big family! You are truly an amazing
    woman. God certainly gave us a treasure in you.

    I am now in my 80’s and have slowed down considerably. I empathize with you and am amazed you still have so much strength. You do deserve a rest.
    Thank you for contributing to my closer walk with Jesus. I am truly grateful to have had you in my life for so many years. When things got difficult for
    me at times, as it does for all of us, I was strengthened by you and your wonderful short messages on my email. You will always be loved by so many
    of us. Thank you for being there with so much encouragement so many times. I’m sure there were times you continued on with Aglow when things
    were difficult for you. You inspire us all to trust in Jesus at all times. I’ve never met you personally, but feel I’ve known you as such a dear friend.

    Nancy, congratulations to you. I know you will be great in your new role in Aglow. Just hearing you speak with Jane today is so encouraging. You seem
    like a God-filled, God-blessed, peaceful and beloved woman. I look forward to experiencing your leadership. You seem like the perfect gift of God for
    such a time as this. Congratulations!

    Be Blessed both of you,

    Joyce Harris
    Aglow member from Connecticut

  12. Lorraine Walker on January 28, 2025 at 2:30 am

    Oh wow! Welcome, Nancy, to this high calling in God. Jane has discipled us all over many years, and certainly deserves this rest. I was in Virginia when Jane was ready to step down, but instead was handed a golden sceptre to continue. I felt for Jane then, so I’m happy that the Lord is releasing Jane to enjoy a peaceful life with Tony, until He comes.
    Bless you both, wonderful women of God. May the Lord take us higher in this new season of freedom, love and prayer, to reach the lost all over the world with the precious Gospel of Jesus Christ. Shalom!

  13. Emma Coles on January 28, 2025 at 2:36 am

    Thank you for your many tireles years of service.
    Many you have many more happy and healthy years

    A member since 1980. Presently president of Herndon-
    Dulles Aglow.

  14. Carol RONEK on January 28, 2025 at 2:39 am

    Carol Ronek, Hillsboro, OR Aglow

  15. Carol Ann Martin on January 28, 2025 at 2:43 am

    God bless you both, Jane and Nancy. Jane, you are so loved and respected and all will miss you and your beautiful leadership and countenance as you phase into this new beginning in your life! What better hands to leave our beloved Aglow ministry in but Nancy McDaniel’s! Nancy, great things are ahead and yet to be revealed to you as our CEO/President. Congratulations to you both!

  16. Cheryl Newbanks on January 28, 2025 at 2:45 am

    Praying for both of you as you walk through this process with our Lord! Thank you both for your amazing Leadership all these years and your wonderful example to us all! May God richly bless you through all the challenges of change! Love you both so very much!
    Cheryl Newbanks, President of Colorado Northern Area and Yuma Colorado Aglow Lighthouse

  17. Linda Adams on January 28, 2025 at 2:49 am

    what is the surname for Nancy?… Thank you Jane for your many years of faithful service to Aglow.

    • Rick Allen on February 13, 2025 at 8:01 pm

      Linda, Nancy’s surname is McDaniel. Thanks for asking!

  18. Elaine on January 28, 2025 at 2:53 am

    2 Giants of the faith there!!
    TY Jane for all your years of faithful service to the Lord & Aglow. And how you carried it & sacrificed for it. Heaven has taken note. You’ve been an example to us all.
    Nancy, welcome to our new visionary leader, beloved intercessor & gatherer of peoples. Together w/Dave, the A Team! Looking forward w/great expectancy!

  19. Linda Felice - Duanesburg, NY on January 28, 2025 at 2:54 am

    Many of us are in times of transition. It is good for you to share this with us. So we can pray for God to fill both of you with His wisdom and council during this time. Since He is the one who directs your steps I know if will bring great fruitfulness to the Aglow ministry but also to your individual lives. Love you both and very thankful all that you have given to Aglow.

  20. Pat Chen on January 28, 2025 at 3:01 am

    Dearest Jane,

    Thank you for the many years of excellently serving the Lord in Aglow as the International President and CEO. There are not enough words to express all that I am thankful for. But one key thing that I would like to say is that your leadership has taught countless others from around the globe how to wait on the Lord’s presence, hear His voice and to be obedient to do what he says.

    Also, I thank God for the privilege of the many years that I was honored to serve in this ministry in various capacities and especially when I served on the IBOD working alongside you and the others, Jane. What an honor it was! You and the Board of Directors have chosen well. You have poured much into Nancy McDaniels and she is an amazing and anointed woman of God and of prayer. She will represent the Lord and Aglow as the new President and CEO with great grace. I will be praying for you, Nancy and everyone during this transition.

    With much love and a grateful heart,
    Pat Chen

  21. Fran Clower on January 28, 2025 at 3:06 am

    Jane will be missed. I am glad that Jane has named Nancy to step into this position.

  22. John & Cathy Sperling on January 28, 2025 at 3:25 am

    We just want to say Thank You Jane for the many years you have sown into Aglow, for it has been an instrumental part of our Christian walk for many years, God Bless you for your Faithfulness. We Welcome you Nancy, as we step into this New Day! I am reminded of a word spoken at conference
    The Lord said, “I have need of you. This ministry has developed a troop I need. . . . It’s the year for Goliath to be dethroned. It’s a year that I’m going to take My people sovereignly on their path, and I’m going to position them in a moment in time, and they’re going to recognize they’re in their moment.”

  23. Holly Wallace on January 28, 2025 at 3:29 am

    We will miss you Jane, but we are delighted with God’s choice of Nancy to lead us forward in all God has for Aglow in this next season!

    May the Lord bless and keep you, make His face to shine upon you, lift up His countenance upon you and give His peace, His shalom.

    In the name of the “Sar Shalom”, the Prince of Peace, Jesus,

    Holly Wallace

  24. Mary Hucka, South Central Oregon Area Team on January 28, 2025 at 3:32 am

    We have been so blessed by your leadership and dedication, Jane. Thank you. We love you. Nancy you are a blessing and we look forward to serving with you in the years to come. The Lord loves Aglow and has an amazing future planned for all of us as we serve Him.

  25. Mary on January 28, 2025 at 3:49 am

    Yes, this is bitter sweet. Thank you Jane, for all the years of serving the LORD and Aglow Internatioaln. Its not a goodbye, its well done.Good and faithful servant.
    Welcome Nancy, our prayer warrior. May the LORD be with you as HE guides you in what steps to take,

  26. Mary on January 28, 2025 at 3:49 am

    Yes, this is bitter sweet. Thank you Jane, for all the years of serving the LORD and Aglow Internatioaln. Its not a goodbye, its well done.Good and faithful servant.
    Welcome Nancy, our prayer warrior. May the LORD be with you as HE guides you in what steps to take,

  27. Tamiara Crowder on January 28, 2025 at 4:08 am

    God be the Glory! Let it be unto Aglow according to Thy Word! Thank you Jane for your faithfulness for all of these years! Your labor in the fields have shown fruit now and will continue to harvest in the future. I am happy for you and I pray blessings and honor to you and your family, in Jesus Name, amen!!! This is from Mooresvillle NC Lighthouse.

  28. Lori Grant on January 28, 2025 at 5:16 am

    Wow you will be missed, but I know it your time to rest and receive all of God blessing.

    Ask welcome the new with must change and assignment for the new challenge that’s is waiting for you and I’m sure that the Lord will carry you through each step as the you as the wisdom has been pass down to you and you will gain even more from the Lord.

  29. Robert Habakkuk Wanambwa on January 28, 2025 at 5:19 am

    Thank youth Jane for the wonderful job you have been doing and for such a great Holy Spirit led transition may God’s peace be installed in you forever. And Nancy God give you the strength to continue and bare a fruit too in your time of service.

  30. Tina Pearson on January 28, 2025 at 5:31 am

    Praying for God’s immeasurable blessings to be bestowed on both of you, Jane and Nancy, in Jesus’ name. May Holy Spirit give both of you wisdom, guidance and discernment as to the plans God has for each of you and for the Aglow Family. I pray that Jesus’ love will embrace and fill each of you as you continue to follow Jesus’ example of love and going about fulfilling what God has set forth for you and your lives. Thank you both for being true to and faithful in following God’s leading, direction and calling. Blessings to you and your families!

    Tina Pearson
    VP of Administration
    St. Augustine, FL Aglow Lighthouse

  31. Elaine Niko on January 28, 2025 at 5:56 am

    WOW Jane you’ve impacted many many lives including mines. Thank you for sharing your life your anointing your love for the Lord with us for so many years. We love you, appreciate you and will never ever forget you. We will forever be grateful, we will always cherish and love you in this life and the next life. You are forever in our hearts.

    Elaine Niko from American Samoa

  32. Carolyn Weaver on January 28, 2025 at 8:02 am

    Happy for you both to be stepping into a new season!

    Well done!

  33. Marlene Dudley on January 28, 2025 at 8:12 am

    We all knew the time would come but didn’t know when
 you have been faithful, Jane, and I’m sure it was difficult to come to this decision.

    For God is not unrighteous to forget your work and labour of love, which ye have shewed toward his name, in that ye have ministered to the saints, and do minister. Hebrews 6:10 KJV

    So glad you have Nancy McDaniel to continue on in this ministry.. She is very capable to follow the Lord and lead the ministry of Aglow. God’s work will continue to go forward and minister to many until He. comes again!

  34. Darlene Harrison on January 28, 2025 at 8:45 am

    God bless you Jane. You have served faithfully for these many years that I’ve been by in Aglow and we are sad to see you go but happy to have Nancy take over. ‘Well done thou good and faithful servant’

  35. Susan Morisey on January 28, 2025 at 8:59 am

    God bless you Jane , for your precious leadership 🙏 over many years.
    Welcome Nancy, May the Lord continue to bless you, strengthen you and annoint you afresh every day.
    Susan Morisey
    Fremantle Western Australia 🇩đŸ‡ș ♄

  36. Karen CROXON on January 28, 2025 at 11:03 am

    Bless you both sad and happy at the same time 🙏🙏

  37. Reba Jean Lancaster on January 28, 2025 at 12:51 pm

    God has blessed the women of Aglow under Jane’s leadership, and I thank God for Aglow. All of us will reach a time when we feel we should retire from a ministry and move into God’s perfect timing. I believe Nancy is prepared to become CEO and will be a great leader. Reba Lancaster, A.M. Aglow President, Bakersfield, Ca.

  38. Elaine Sheldon on January 28, 2025 at 1:09 pm

    Joy and blessings to both of you, and to our beloved Aglow, as God guides us into this new era. Let us all lean into His faithfulness; His mercies abound and are new every morning! Change can be both exciting and challenging, yet the Lord, in His unchanging nature, leads us along the path He has prepared for us. May you find your peace and rest in Him, Sister Jane; and His bolstering strength and wisdom, Sister Nancy. Sending love.

  39. Phyllis Brown on January 28, 2025 at 1:18 pm

    Praise God!! Sounds right to me.

  40. Bonnie B. Jones on January 28, 2025 at 3:13 pm

    Jane I so appreciate your dedication and steadfastness to the ministry of Aglow. Your videos always spoke to me. I was in Ft.Lauderdale, I believe it was 2001 when a big transformation came for you and the ministry concerning Israel. That was an awesome move of God. I will always treasure that time. Nancy was leader on the tour bus that I was on one of the years in Israel and I saw her dedication to Aglow and her precious loving personality. May God be with her in this new season and may God bless you in this time of your life too. It will be a good time.
    Bonnie B. Jones
    Mobile, Al.

  41. Karen McKay on January 28, 2025 at 3:21 pm

    It has been an honor to serve in aglow under the leadership of Jane She has been a wonderful leader full of integrity love and respect for everyone. Always putting Jesus first in everything she does. Don’t really know the new lady that’s stepping into leadership but I’m sure if she’s been under the guidance of Jane she will be wonderful leader looking forward to the new season and what God is going to do in aglow. Blessings Karen McKay

  42. Ann Phillip on January 28, 2025 at 4:07 pm

    Sad to see Jane leave. Jane has been my spiritual mom,Aunty, and grandma to my children. We’ll miss you !
    I know that Nancy will be a great . I pray GOD’S will be done in Aglow as it is in heaven.
    Love you both powerful women of God !!
    My prayers are with you Jane as you go through this transition. You will always be in my heart and in my prayers 🙏 ❀

  43. Clara Cordova SPC NM on January 28, 2025 at 4:58 pm

    It is such a blessing to have you both in our lives. The mantel, (I call Aglow a mantel because when I accepted the position of SPC), Our Lord told me “Accept the mantel of Aglow that I am giving you and rejoice within its covering.”
    This mantel is the strong hold that keeps us locked together. The shields that are tightly locked and bonded to fit tightly, what a precious gift to be part of this mantel and mentorship. I rejoice in the change of command and in the strong leadership our Lord Jesus Christ provides us. Aglow International is the rock in which I stand as I honor our Lord. Congratulations to both of you. I know God’s blessings will be on everything in store for us and May his will be done! God bless you both!

  44. Katy Lee on January 28, 2025 at 5:08 pm

    We love you both too! May God continue to guide you through this transition.

  45. Clara Cordova on January 28, 2025 at 5:14 pm

    It is such a blessing to have you both in our lives. The mantel, (I call Aglow a mantel because when I accepted the position of SPC), Our Lord told me “Accept the mantel of Aglow that I am giving you and rejoice within its covering.”
    This mantel is the strong hold that keeps us locked together. The shields that are tightly locked and bonded to fit tightly, what a precious gift to be part of this mantel together. I rejoice in the change of command and in the strong leadership our Lord Jesus Christ provides us.
    Aglow International is the rock in which I stand as I honor our Lord. Congratulations to both of you. I know God’s blessings will be on everything in store for us. May his will be done! I love you both. God bless you!

  46. Julie Green on January 28, 2025 at 6:51 pm

    Awww wow that is unexpected but there are times and seasons . And trust you you lovely powerful ladies to know Gods heart.

    I have sat under the amazing ministry of aglow all the time you jane have been int president and want to honour you as you have served us in this capacity

    My life has been restored challenged and expanded in God in many ways through God bless you for your part in that.

    Look forward to the new season with God And nancy and what will be her team at the helm. In these interesting and challenging times.

    Bless you both
    Will be praying for you here in Blackpool Uk and look forward to your ministry here in may nancy.

  47. Bob Mendelsohn on January 28, 2025 at 6:59 pm

    Change is the only constant we seem to have in our lives, and all beginnings are hard. Even so, with the power of the Spirit in your lives and prayer in our actions, both Nancy and Jane will land well in their new positions.

  48. Sylvia Ryndock on January 28, 2025 at 7:38 pm

    Congrats to both of these AMAZING AGLOW WOMEN! Especially Jane for all the many many years you have given to Aglow and poured into Aglow and the Ladies who have gained so much from this Wonder ministry. Honestly, I recently sensed that Jane’s retirement time was near. I’ve been a part of this ministry for over 30 years. From the moment I walked into my first Aglow meeting, it changed my life; I’ve been an Aglow Woman ever since. You know what we say, once An Aglow Woman, Always An Aglow Woman. Looking forward to the days ahead and what God is going to continue to do in the Awesome Aglow Ministry.

    Love and Hugs

    Sylvia A. Ryndock
    Genesee Valley New York VP of Lighthouse Development

  49. Martha Frimpong on January 28, 2025 at 8:22 pm

    Great transition! every step in the aglow ministry is ordered by the Lord 🙏thank God how far he has brought us.much blessings to both of you and long live aglow worldwide.
    Martha Frimpong
    National President

  50. Gail Fields on January 28, 2025 at 9:36 pm

    DELIGHTED to see AGLOW, Int. continue the journey that GOD has called this TROOP to carry out. Jane has kept the “Vision” alive for many years and AGLOW has thrived under her Leadership. I cannot think of anyone other than Nancy McDaniel who has captured GOD’S Vision for AGLOW as we “walk on!”
    Congratulations to both of you! You have both given me courage and strength to “walk on” with GOD many times when I wanted to walk off. Thank You! Gail Fields, a former President of Marion, NC AGLOW Lighthouse

  51. Barbara Shepler, former president of NH Aglow. on January 28, 2025 at 10:02 pm

    May God’s blessings rest upon Jane and Nancy as Aglow enters a new season in the power of the holy Spirit.

  52. Kathleen Honigsberg Bonner on January 28, 2025 at 10:02 pm

    Dear Jane, You’ve always been an inspiration. I started going to Women’s Aglow many years ago when it was influenced by the Full Gospel Businessmen. Mavis Hankey was the Women’s president. And her husband, Bill Hankey, was the president of the Full Gospel Businessmen in Columbus, Ohio. That was during the Charismatic movement. So many transitions since then! May Jesus be with you, Nancy, during this phase III time. And may Jesus bless you, Jane as a spiritual Mother and sister for us ladies, Shalom, Kathy Honigsberg Bonner

  53. Yvetta Murdock on January 28, 2025 at 10:25 pm

    Wow! You have truly, truly been a blessing to me.

  54. Sara Whitinger past N E Indiana Area Intercessor on January 29, 2025 at 12:05 am

    As God has been preparing my heart for this day I aware He is preparing others for Jane’s retirement. There aren’t enough words to express what a wonderful, God appointed & anointed President we have been blessed with. I have interceded much for this time & I am also while sad am so elated that the Lord has chosen Nancy McDainel to step in this position. Truly love her, appreciated her abilities to lean into His presence as Jane. If anyone could follow Jane I believe Nancy it the lady. Always praying for our U S Leadership & will continue partnering with Aglow till I am called to Heaven. Thank You for for sharing with us.

  55. JoAnne Meckstroth on January 29, 2025 at 2:45 am

    Dearest Jane and Nancy. This is a bittersweet moment, but I know that Nancy will step into the position with the same grace, vibrancy and wisdom that Jane has carried over these many years. Jane, I love you and appreciate your commitment to the Aglow ministry. You have taught me much over the years. We walk together into the future. Love you, JoAnne

  56. G. Soto on January 29, 2025 at 2:57 am

    Mrs. Hoyt it’s with a sad heart to see you retire but we know that God has a new plan and purpose for you. Enjoy your retirement. The Spanish Aglow Lighthouse in McAllen, Tx. welcomes Nancy McDaniels.

    Gracie Soto, VP of Administration

  57. Millie Lieberman on January 29, 2025 at 9:21 am

    Nancy will make an awesome spirit led President! Jane thank you for the wonderful powerful years of service to Aglow! You made a great choice for a successor! Love love and more love!

  58. Corinthia Griffiths on January 29, 2025 at 11:20 am

    Jane and Nancy, God bless you both in this time of transition. Your love and commitment to the Aglow Ministry is commendable. Be blessed

  59. Selina F Talivaa on January 29, 2025 at 1:49 pm

    Dear Jane, “Your presence will be missed, but your impact will be remain. Best wishes.”
    It’s been a pleasure getting to know you spiritually and professionally over the past few years. I’m going to miss seeing you at the Aglow Annual Conferences. May your retirement bring you plenty of happiness, joy and peace.

    Congratulations Nancy on your new role and best wishes for the future! It has been an honor to work with you who has committed their success. Love you both, Jane and Nancy in Jesus Mighty name.

  60. Selina F Talivaa on January 29, 2025 at 2:12 pm

    Dear Jane,
    It’s been a pleasure getting to know you in spiritual and professionally in past few years. We are going to miss seeing you at our annual conferences. May your retirement bring you plenty of happiness, joy and peace. “Your presence will be missed, but your impact will remain. Best wishes.”
    Selina F Talivaa
    President, American Samoa Aglow International

  61. Dorothea Earls on January 29, 2025 at 2:47 pm

    Sad to see Jane go, she will be missed. May the Lords blessings be with her. I know Nancy will step in with all the grace, vibrancy, wisdom , and joy.

  62. Marcia Zinger on January 29, 2025 at 4:44 pm

    This is truly bitter-sweet. God’s timing is always perfect and I know that the faith you two walk out everyday allows you to hear from the Holy Spirit and accept His direction. You know from experience God is with you always. Thank you for your video explaining this. I can see the partnership, friendship and companionship you two share! That’s a wonderful example of how we are all children of one God and one Family. Thank you, Jane, for your leadership in Aglow all these years. I have been encouraged by it many times. God Bless you both and continue to guide you in this life saving ministry.

  63. Kay Wright on January 29, 2025 at 7:09 pm

    God continue to bless and guide you . We have been so very blessed to have you as our leader who never wavered in your commitment to see Aglow International fulfill its mission in the world. Rest in the knowledge that your excellent guidance and your love will continue to permeate Aglow International leadership. We look forward to Nancy taking the reins of this great movement across the earth. We love you both very much. From: South Kansas South Area Aglow – Kay Wright, Joan Waters and Kathy Ewing

  64. Marlene Ward on January 29, 2025 at 7:31 pm

    Dear Jane and Nancy

    I pray God amazing Grace for you both from 1 Corinthians 9v8 and God is able to make all grace abound toward you that you always having all suffciency in all things may have an abundance for every good work
    I pray this for you both.
    Thankyou for your many years of Faithfull service to the Kingdom of God.

    Much Blessing’

    Marlene Ward

  65. Marlene Ward on January 29, 2025 at 7:32 pm

    Dear Jane and Nancy

    I pray God amazing Grace for you both from 1 Corinthians 9v8 and God is able to make all grace abound toward you that you always having all suffciency in all things may have an abundance for every good work
    I pray this for you both.
    Thankyou for your many years of Faithfull service to the Kingdom of God.

    Much Blessing’

    Marlene Ward ex (president okwest pan handle kansas)

  66. Carolina Barrutia-Leon on January 29, 2025 at 7:53 pm

    Sad and Happy, we love you, Jane. We really love you. Thank you for your legacy in my life and my daughter. We love you, Nancy. We really love you. Thank you for who you are and your love for our Father. Our Father is with Jane and you. Let’s do this! Count with us, our Lighthouse. Lawrence, MA.

  67. Faye Roots on January 29, 2025 at 8:46 pm

    A bittersweet moment indeed but may indeed God continue to walk closely beside you both and this KINGDOM MINISTRY continue its Divine Purpose as we prepare for the return oF our KING. love Faye ROOTS , formerly Gympie Queensland Australia. President but now in a retirement Village but prayerfully with you ALL.Faye

  68. Kathryn DeCristofaro on January 29, 2025 at 10:37 pm

    Paradise Aglow sends our blessings for both of you. We look forward to what God has for you and for Aglow.

  69. Lorraine Davis on January 29, 2025 at 11:18 pm

    Wow, Yeshua has impressed me there would be many changes and surprises this year; but this was not one I expected. I am thrilled Jane has such a close relationship with Aglow and Nancy. I know she will be a blessing and enrich Aglow the the anointing on her to fulfill the mission and goals set for the next challenging years ahead. Bless you with all grace and understanding gained through Aglow’s many challenges.
    Thank you

  70. Esther Mbiyu, Kenya on January 30, 2025 at 8:12 pm

    May God’s bountiful blessings be upon her as she retires from her many responsibilities she has efficiently accomplished for those many years! and has consequently influenced impacted spiritual growth to many people in the world. What a rich legacy to leave.

  71. Esther Mbiyu, Kenya on January 30, 2025 at 8:14 pm

    Have grown greatly thru’ The Aglow fellowships.

  72. Anne Cossey on January 31, 2025 at 10:25 am

    Dear Jane, I have been greatly encouraged by your leadership to us in Aglow and the beautiful words of encouragement you have imparted over the years. What a wonderful example you have been to us. May God bless you and Tony in the future, and Nancy as she takes up the Baton. Anne Cossey, Lowestoft, UK

  73. Helen Owen on January 31, 2025 at 6:17 pm

    Glad the transition will be a blessing to all. I have been an Aglow member since 1978.
    God is always in control.’
    Be blessed.

  74. Jervae Brooks on January 31, 2025 at 7:25 pm

    Dearest Jane and Nancy, Having worked alongside you both for many years, I have the highest respect and love for you both. I honor each of you and the deep friendship we share. I will continue to pray as you walk together throughout this time of transition, in the Aglow ministry and in each of your individual lives. I love you both and look forward to all that God has prepared for us. As we all have said so many times in the past, since Aglow began in 1967, “Look what God has done!” We continue to stand together with faith-filled expectation to again witness what He will do! With much love, Jervae

  75. SueEllyn Wiggand Mount Vernon, Aglow Lighthouse on February 1, 2025 at 5:34 pm

    Jane, I have followed yore love for Aglow for several years. God gave me the courage to follow up with starting another Lighthouse in Mt Vernon, Ohio with much prayer. God bless you!! Rest and enjoy all the memories and fruit of your service welcome Nancy, You have stepped into your destiny. God Bless Aglow all over the world!!

  76. Marian Frost on February 1, 2025 at 7:44 pm

    Elijah and Elisha has come into my mind. Aglow, expect a double portion to come from this transferring of Aglow ministry’s mantle!
    We thank God for you Jane as you have led from the frontline so faithfully over many years. We rejoice that the mantle has passed to Nancy. We are looking forward to Nancy coming to England this summer to participate in our National conference. We have come to know her a little over the past few years and we just find our hearts warm to her and David.
    Thank you Father God for raising up leaders of Excellence in Aglow. Thank you Lord for Aglow and the way you are using it to bring in the harvest of souls. Praise the Lord. Amen.

  77. Joanie Standridge on February 2, 2025 at 12:41 am

    Bless you Jane, as you change seasons after serving faithfully for 50 plus years and Bless you, Mrs. Nancy for stepping in to keep this Aglow fireball rolling! Feels like fresh and exciting adventures ahead! Whoo hoo, thank You Jesus!! God’s got this ♡♡♡

  78. Pastor Okwii Moses National Advisor Aglow Uganda on February 4, 2025 at 3:05 pm

    We well come the new leadership we shall work together to Advance the kingdom of God

  79. Grace Khaling on February 5, 2025 at 7:54 pm

    This is the biggest announcement of the year 2025 !
    Very sad to hear about Jane taking break, but the decision is guided by the Holy Spirit. Nancy has the same impartation, zeal and wisdom to carry on/move forward this unique ministry, for many more years.
    Love you Jane and Nancy too and pray for your new path, as we walk together yes, in the Spirit.

  80. Tessie Felicio, Aglow Int’l Philippine on February 6, 2025 at 12:37 pm

    Dearest Jane and Nancy,
    It is such a sacred honor and privilege to watch and hear from you both about this Transition in Aglow Leadership. Jane, you are such an honorable woman of God with High Quality of Integrity in Leadership.
    We believe that for Nancy to embark as the New Aglow President and CEO is not something New, for you both work and serve together in Aglow for many years already.
    Thank you so much for letting us know. Be assured of our earnest prayer. May we all FINISH WELL and STRONG!

  81. Former Southern CA State Prayer Coordinator, Toni Rene' Weaver on February 6, 2025 at 6:10 pm

    I am so pleased that God has spoken to both of you about this change. Jane, I have loved the leadership that you have walked in and know that Nancy will do the same. Nancy, I have treasured memories of your ministry with Dewayne & I. You two are the best! I love you both!

  82. Gwennyth Grimm on February 6, 2025 at 8:19 pm

    Dear Jane, (from New Zealand.) I was an Aglow leader when you began your journey as the International President, and I am still involved. I have treasured your wisdom and leadership over those special years. Thank you for being who you are, and many blessings on your ‘retirement’, Gwennyth Grimm

  83. Isabel de NĂșñez on February 11, 2025 at 12:21 am

    Costa Rica da gracias a Dios por el tiempo que nuestra amada Jane estuvo fungiendo como nuestra presidenta mundial , Dios le bendiga por toda la labor realizada con tanto amor y compromiso en este ministerio, te amamos ❀
    Costa Rica bendice a Nancy McDaniel, mujer de fe, fuerte y valiente; Le damos la bienvenida y estamos para servirte, oraremos para que el precioso Espiritu Santo le guie en todoâ€ïžđŸ–ïž

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