Jane Speaks

Insights and Encouragement from Jane Hansen Hoyt

Come Jesus

By Jane Hansen Hoyt | December 17, 2019 |
Come Jesus

Last evening, Tony and I, along with some of our family members, were once again privileged to experience the sacred sounds of Christmas, performed by Seattle Pacific University’s choirs and instrumentalists. The inspirational concert opened to the sounds of the extraordinary Fisk pipe organ. It is a powerfully…

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Human Love… Lifted To The Divine

By Jane Hansen Hoyt | November 5, 2019 |
Human Love… Lifted To The Divine

One of the most touching stories in the New Testament is the life-changing encounter that a woman, held in demonic bondage for years, had as she encountered Jesus the Redeemer of all things, and was set free from years of mental illness…years of confused thinking…years of depression. Mary…

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The Altar of God’s Love

By Jane Hansen Hoyt | October 22, 2019 |
The Altar of God's Love

He Sees You In Matthew 9 we begin reading about a woman and immediately,  we are struck with the fact that she was anonymous. She was a nameless, faceless woman in the crowd of those pressing into Jesus. This sick, anonymous woman must have been emaciated after a…

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Let Him Increase

By Jane Hansen Hoyt | August 9, 2019 |
Let Him Increase

Two days ago, as I returned home from running errands, I heard the sound of a shrill, demanding kind of alarm going off. When I unlocked my door I realized that the alarm was coming from a fire alarm on the second floor of my house and was…

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