Come Jesus

Last evening, Tony and I, along with some of our family members, were once again privileged to experience the sacred sounds of Christmas, performed by Seattle Pacific University’s choirs and instrumentalists.
The inspirational concert opened to the sounds of the extraordinary Fisk pipe organ. It is a powerfully commanding sound that draws the listener’s ear to a heavenly place. Surely there will be a Fisk pipe organ in heaven….we are just being prepared.
The tears were already beginning to roll down my face as I, along with the audience, rose to our feet to welcome the focus of the season…..Jesus. As we sang together the hymn, Come, Thou Long Expected Jesus, tears trickled down my face. I could not hold them back. We were singing a song of old, calling for Jesus to come, but in my heart, I felt we were a modern-day congregation, again calling for the long-expected return of Jesus to come.
I thought of Aglow’s recent Convocation in Jerusalem, with Asher saying….there are no solutions to the current day problems. In a united way, we as believers, recognize the escalation of world tensions, everyday difficulties, and the increased darkness that is emerging. That is not to seem negative, but to recognize, with hope, the hearts of God’s people, standing with their feet on earth, but speaking with heaven’s authority, saying, come, dear Jesus. Indeed there are no solutions, except for what heaven has already provided in the person of His Son, Jesus Christ.
May everything in us be alive with Jesus this season, and always.
May we be firmly established from the inside to the outside with the person of Jesus Christ.
May the reality of the powerful solution that God saw fit to enter the earth realm, envelope us in new and deeper ways, that cause our hearts to be both bowed low before Him, but also raised up because of the glory of what His presence means in the earth.
My prayer for you, for Aglow, for the world is –
Born thy people to deliver, born a child, and yet a king;
Born to reign in us forever, now thy gracious kingdom bring.
By Thine own eternal spirit, rule in all our hearts alone;
By Thine all-sufficient merit, raise us to thy glorious throne.
A Time of Beauty…
We expect recovery, growth, and victory through God’s power.
he repairs broken hearts, and liberates people in bondage.
He comforts the grieving with “a crown of beauty instead of ashes,
the oil of joy instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of
a spirit of despair” -Isaiah 61:3).
“In my deepest wound I saw Your glory, and it dazzled me.”
-St. Augustine’s words.