It is God We Want

I recently purchased a new copy of, My Utmost for His Highest by Oswald Chambers.
This is a book I have read many times in past years. Then out of the blue, the Holy Spirit brought back the memory of this classic and drew me back to many treasured thoughts of the past. I will be sharing my reflections from this book from time to time in the coming days. It seems fresh all over again!
The first chapter my eyes fell upon was, Insight Not Emotion. The scriptural basis was from II Cor 5:7 which states, I have to live my life in faith, without seeing Him.
From time to time, we may have a conscious awareness of God’s Presence, His attention, His under-taking on our behalf. Yet there are frequent occasions when it seems that God has shut up Heaven! Most of us prefer the illuminated times.
We are here as men and women, not as half-fledged angels, to do the work of the Kingdom in this world. We have been born from above. We enjoy engaging with the power from above to stand through the trial.
IF WE TRY TO RE-INTRODUCE THE RARE MOMENTS OF INSPIRATION, IT IS A SIGN THAT IT IS NOT GOD WE WANT. We are making a fetish of the moments when God did come and speak, and insisting that He must do it again; whereas what God wants us to do is to walk by faith.
NEVER LIVE FOR THE RARE MOMENTS, THEY ARE SURPRISES. God will give us touches of inspiration when He sees we are not in danger of being led away by them!
My spirit was truly struck by the words of that last paragraph. I would not have considered myself a person to always be looking for rare moments. I find such a desire in my spirit for a move of His Spirit that in a “hungry” kind of way, I do, indeed look for, wait for, long for, those times of a distinctive move of the Spirit.
These words are a good reminder that it is God we want and not only His signs.
He is the One we seek after.
He is the One we desire.
Yes, even without seeing Him.
Is it a “coincidence”? I too was led to pick up Oswald Chambers daily meditations which I hadn’t read in years.
Wow this is truly a God inspired word. As I read and read again, what a sense of the weightiness of His Presence in this word. It’s like God is throwing His weight around my reading and my understanding. I certainly could see myself in that last paragraph of longing for those distinctive moves of Holy Spirit. Yet, I am so thankful that daily my heart’s cry is for a fresh hunger and thirst for Him even without seeing Him move the way I think He should but knowing that He is moving in and with me each and everyday as I live by faith.
Merry Christmas!🎄 I was blessed to pick up Jane’s message! Today on Christmas! I do go along in Him moving living and having my being. We walk by faith, it’s impossible to please Him otherwise! When He moves physically and I feel it, see it or experience Him, it’s great! But I walk in obedience as an act of my will! His will be done, including how He moves!
Yes, it is truly God we want
How do get the Christmas message from headquarters staff?