The Halls of Kingdom Legislation

The Halls of Kingdom Legislation

When Aglow began in 1967, none of us knew what we were doing really. We simply had a desire to experience God, to grow in our relationship with Him, to learn the things of the Spirit, and to grow in our identity as women.

I began as the leader of the Edmonds, WA, Aglow. Securing the Edmonds Yacht Club, an invitation went out and 300 women gathered consistently month after month. Honestly, I didn’t have a clue what I was doing. I was a mother, a housewife, and I had no experience leading a meeting, yet, as I showed up, so did our faithful God.

As the meeting opened with prayer, different ones in the room would begin to stand, read a scripture, speak an encouraging word, and God would come and people were touched. Lives were changed as women began to learn their importance to God and the plans He had for them.

As time passed and I became President of Aglow in 1980, my mode of operation has always been to feel my way after the Spirit. This continues to this day. Aglow was born of the Spirit and remains led by the Spirit today.

From time to time, different leaders will ask me what is Aglow doing, where are we headed, what are we about, and I’d like to take a few minutes to address this.

For those of you who have been in Aglow for any length of time, you have heard me speak or write many times, always repeating the prophetic words spoken over the ministry by key leaders in the body of Christ. Why are our prophetic words so important? For one, they tell us how God sees us every time He looks at us. He KNOWS who He birthed us to be in 1967. We have been discovering our identity for 57 years and I believe Aglow has become the fully mature son that God needs us to be at this time in history.

When I wrote my recent letter calling the army of Aglow to fast and pray for the coming U.S. elections, my closing line really defines where and how I see Aglow women and men standing around the globe in over 170 nations of the world. I firmly believe what I wrote: We are moving outside the walls of our gathering places and into the halls of Kingdom legislation.

Strong in prayer; mighty in decrees; Aglow groups around the world are equipped to stand on the walls of their nations speaking the words God gives them for the nations. I believe that as we/they speak, giants are falling! Atmospheres are changing! Heaven is coming to earth to replace the stale, empty, failing ways of man.

Does Aglow have a future? You better believe it. I do! We were born for such a time as this. We have been trained for such a time as this.

God called the girls back into the game 20 years ago at our 2004 conference through a word spoken through Chuck Pierce. God never intended that we would grow in all He has poured into us and then we would sit on the sidelines and watch. No. Not this movement! His call upon us is one for warriors and champions – Graham Cooke was first with us in 2004, too! Like a freight train, we have gained Spirit momentum that cannot be stopped!

Like young David, Aglow women and now men have always run to the battle line when the taunts of modern-day Goliaths ring out. It is in our DNA to topple fleckless leaders, to watch as the plans of the enemy come back to haunt evil rulers – like Haman found out in Queen Esther’s day. Aglow women and men write new decrees that are filled with God’s Word, and the Name of Jesus. We watch as strongholds are uprooted by His Spirit! We call down Heaven’s plans for earth and water them with prayer, as those plans become established in the earth realm.

I was recently listening to the song Holy Forever sung by Jenn Johnson from Bethel Church in California. It so reminds me of Aglow. Here are the lyrics.

A thousand generations falling down in worship – (Aglow continues generation to generation!)
To sing the song of ages to the Lamb
And all who’ve gone before us and all who will believe
Will sing the song of ages to the Lamb

Your Name is the Highest, Your Name is the Greatest,
Your Name stands above them all
All thrones and dominions,
All powers and positions

Your Name stands above them all
And the angels cry Holy,
All creation cries Holy
You are lifted high, Holy, Holy forever

If you’ve been forgiven and if you’ve been redeemed – (This describes Aglow!)
Sing the song forever to the Lamb
If you walk in freedom and if you bear His Name
Sing the song forever to the Lamb
We’ll sing the song forever and amen!

I will close with this. Aglow is not a cookie-cutter ministry. We are a movement made up of individuals in many nations around the world. What works in one culture won’t be relevant in another. You must seek the Holy Spirit and He will give you the plan to use the key of Isaiah 22:22 to lock and unlock in your nation, down to the very town and village your group meets in. It is time, Aglow, to move outside the walls of our gathering places and into the halls of Kingdom legislation! Not by might. Not by power. But by His Spirit, we will bring Kingdom legislation from Heaven to earth.

Legislating for Heaven on Earth,


PS. Don’t forget to vote/pray for the US elections. Electing leaders who align with Biblical values are imperative for the future of America.

PSS. If you would like to show your support by making a donation online, click here.

PSSS. If you would like to give a year end gift to pluck nations out of the fire, click here.

PSSSS. If you would like to renew your Global Partnership, click here.


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