¡Zambúllase, el agua está agradable!

Jump In! The water is fine!

Beware of the thing of which you say – “Oh, that does not matter much.” The fact that it does not matter much to you may mean that it matters a very great deal to God.  Nothing is a light matter with a child of God.  Nothing in our lives is mere detail. God is in the midst of everything. We live to honor and bless Him.  If there is a place of doubt in your heart, stop Immediately, no matter what it is. Inquire of the Lord.  Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal to you any area that needs an adjustment. God wants you to be entirely His, and this means you have to watch, listen and respond…to keep yourself fit in the things of God. 

So much of society is focused on being fit physically – what we eat, how we exercise, our ability to stay agile.

We are coming out of winter into spring and summer. We look forward to doing things that we have not done in the winter.  A certain fitness is needed to take hikes, ride bikes, or go swimming.  How well I remember the early days of summer when I had a swimming pool and would begin doing laps.  It was a struggle at first, but as I continued through the summer, the number of lengths I could do increased amazingly. In the things of the Kingdom, we are in a similar season.  

This current time is a bit different from past times.  We are in a Third Day Season.  You may feel like, oh, I don’t have the stamina I once had.  And I would respond back, just begin. Let it build and see what the Lord does to strengthen you as you continue pressing forward.  

We aren’t in a race, but we ARE in a stamina-building time.  Jump in, the water is fine!


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